Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Wednesday, February 4, 2004 (WEEK 3 of LIS 810)
John BAKEN here with some questions, re: "Computers in U.S. Households Since 1977" :

1) In the early 1980's, boys outnumbered girls [politically-insensitive language from article] 8:1 in programming courses and "computer camps," plus boys monopolized computers at school. How has this changed in the present day (or has it)? Why do you think it has/hasn't?

2) Just spending a few hours studying at home compared with spending the same amount of time studying at an outside venue (at a library, for example) tells me that it's a "no-brainer" : working outside the home (for me, a family man) is simply easier because there are fewer distractions. Has American culture (re: family dynamics) changed THAT MUCH since the late 1970's, when "commentators" expected the "telecommuter revolution" to begin? What was behind the reasoning of such "forward-thinking" prognosticators (sp?)??

3) In the computer's early days, the report tells us that a high percentage of usage was for games and/or self-improvement (for families with children, self-improvement for the kids). How have those figures changed in today's computer-user groups? Another similar thread might include a discussion about computers "bringing families together" (earlier blog on this same topic). Do computers EVER do this today, or is the whole idea simply a marketing ploy (or something else)?

See you in class, blog-mates.

John Baken

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