Friday, April 03, 2009

More on Transportation Divides

In a class presentation, I attempted to posit school busing as a technology application attempting to address racial and socioeconomic inequities in schools.

This article discusses another way in which transportation technology becomes a locus of these tensions. An Oakland class action suit to address perceived unfair standards in mass transit fees has been tossed out of court.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah this a interesting article. It mirrors issues that have plagued public transportation in ATL as well. When MARTA was established initial plans offered better service to white neighborhoods than those with more blacks.

    Constructed in the 1970’s MARTA‘s rail lines are in dire need of expansion. However, citizens in the outlying counties have continually voted NO to expand rails into their communities (i.e. Cobb and Gwinnett) for fear of “crime.” Because most service sector jobs are located outside of urban centers, inner city residents have difficulty accessing positions located on the periphery.

    A Brief History of MARTA

    Here is a discussion that ran in 2006.
