Friday, February 27, 2009
Bad news for those with impaired eyesight
On Being Middle Class
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Lunch Divide
Articles from today's class
Also, here's the NYT article on the humanities having to justify their existence (again...) mentioned by Katie.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Readings for Feb. 26
Kahlenberg discusses how school segregation is making inroads again, not only in cases of race and ethnicity but class. In many cases, this involves both geography and ethnicity in combination with socioeconomic class. He points out that “classmates are a resource, too – in fact, a more crucial one than books, pencils and laptops.” Race was not a defining factor, but better preparation and higher aspirations were.
In some ways, being around more affluent/more prepared classmates could be seen as a form of experiential learning. Increased exposure to words and ideas from fellow classmates is perhaps more important than what a student learns from a teacher.
Several factors have aided in school improvement across the country. Most indicators of quality schools are found in mid-and-higher-income schools than those from more impoverished areas. Achievement is highest in middle to higher income schools, which attract the best teachers so lower-income students may need to be mixed into mid-and-higher income schools to simply gain access to better teaching. Parental involvement in classroom and extracurricular activities also plays a role in improving student achievement. Again, socioeconomic status predicts parental involvement.
The No Child Left Behind Act has also reinforced the notion of segregation by placing the emphasis on test scores. While it claimed that failing schools would be overhauled and improved, little action has taken place. Meanwhile, families pondering a move can use the much-publicized test scores as a reason to not move into a school’s attendance area, thus reinforcing a school’s negative reputation.
In short, Kahlenberg sees not one educational system in America but several – systems catering to different segments of the population, incomparable with each other.
Margolis describes East River High school as a place where the tools existed but without any indication of how to use them. In one situation where a class was actually offered, the teacher had trained himself at home. This directly contrasts one aspect of what Kahlenberg cited: the best teachers are allowed to teach in their own area of expertise.
Kahlenberg describes how students learn best from being within the context of their peers. Though he does this in reference to lower income students learning from students with higher aspirations, the same holds true for the computer science students in Margolis’s article: the ones with the most interest were recruited by friends.
The failure can be blamed in part on a lack of critical thinking and context that shows how actual computer science programming can make a real-world impact. The East River curriculum, what little there was, focused on skills rather than critical thinking concepts. In contrast, note how the video production classes that allowed the students to not only manipulate the data but create scripts and storyboards allowed the students to expand their horizons and think critically while learning skills.
Again harkening back to Kahlenberg’s expectation of a good teacher or curriculum, the best schools offered rich, demanding curricula. East River was in no way prepared to offer any curriculum beyond the most basic. Because of both student and teacher scheduling, East River could only focus on attempting to meet the state- and federally-mandated testing standards, not the more specific electives like computer classes. Moreover, even the most dedicated teachers expected very little from their students, relegating them to less demanding work with very little guidance. When East River DID offer more guidance through extracurricular math classes, the students displayed both interest and perseverance.
In both Kahlenberg’s and Margolis’s articles, they imply that the problem of equity is one that cannot be solved by anything less than a comprehensive change to the way we place students together. Students need to be around people (classmates or staff) who encourage them to attain higher goals, regardless of background.
Moreover, entire families bear the burden of lower expectations. It’s not just vocational vs. college prep courses in school; think of the fact that lower income families are less likely to take advantage of private school voucher programs, perhaps because they are less likely to trust any part of the “system” that has failed them thus far.
Facebook and Wisconsin Schools
What do you think about this attempt to control the means by which teachers and student may communicate?
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
National Assessment of Adult Literacy
"The 2003 National Assessment of Adult Literacy is a nationally representative assessment of English literacy among American adults age 16 and older. Sponsored by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), NAAL is the nation's most comprehensive measure of adult literacy since the 1992 National Adult Literacy Survey (NALS)."
I really enjoyed reading about the complexities of assessing literacy and establishing research methods in their discussion of "Indirect County and State Estimates of the Percentage of Adults at the Lowest Literacy Level for 1992 and 2003" (
But the part that I enjoyed playing with was the model that this document describes. It allows comparisons and estimates of low literacy rates by state and county. Basically you can compare two states or counties and it will show you the proportion of the population below a basic literacy rate (with the standard deviations of the stats). It's just a nice interface with which to browse the statistics.
See for more info and to play with their model.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Live Global
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Think Local
Information and Equity
According to the authors, the vertical perspective contains the earliest (1949; p 506) and the bulk of the research done on information equity. In this school of thought, information is a commodity, and a person's access to and use of information is the indicator of equity. With this perspective, information equity can be achieved through even distribution of goods.
The horizontal perspective, which evolved more recently out of criticism of the vertical perspective (515), focuses on information as an “intangible public good that is highly subjective and context dependent” (501). It emphasizes a person's ability to use information to meet their desired goals as the indicator of information equity. With this perspective, education, social capital, and context all play a part in achieving equity.
The authors seem to favor the horizontal perspective, but the five elements that they propose at the end of the chapter do include the vertical perspective; they list as their first element “a more even distribution of information resources in society” (528). The remaining elements focus on education and context. Overall, this article does a good (brief) job of explaining the history of information equity research, and, with the five suggested elements, how libraries should proceed. The class might consider how successfully the elements have been adopted by information agencies though identification of concrete examples (or by using examples offered by Slytherin?).
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Redefining the Digital Divide
This chapter, which is the first of a book, traces the public discussion of the digital divide and the various ways it has been studied. After the Internet became a public utility, as opposed to a military and academic tool, it was quickly recognized that some were being left behind. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 was the first federal law to include internet access in addition to telephone service; this helped to establish the problem as one of access. However, the authors argue throughout this chapter—and the rest of the book—that the problem is much wider. Access, they argue, is not important unless people have the skills to use, evaluate, and understand both the technical, social, economic, and political dimensions of the technology.
The authors note that in both research and programs created to address the digital divide, the emphasis has been almost solely on access, not on information literacy, the role of technology in society, the potential uses of technology for the economically disadvantaged, or how technology functions within our system of government. In 2001 the E-Rate program provided almost $2.25 billion dollars for infrastructure, while only $110 million was spent on all programs that focused on skills development (3). The majority of funding for projects on the digital divide comes from the federal government, and during the Bush administration, there was increasing debate on whether the digital divide would heal itself.
One of the ways this study differs from others done in the past was their methodology. The question set was broader, addressing all four aspects of the divide as defined by the authors. Samples focused on residents of low income areas, and “low income” was defined as $30,000 or less. For the surveys the divides were broken down as such:
Access divide: interest in a computer, location of access, and frequency of use
Skills divide: technical competence and information literacy
Economic opportunity divide: beliefs about the connections between technology and economic
Democratic divide: attitudes toward the use of technology in political activity
To analyze their results, the authors use multivariate regression, which allows them to analyze different variables and explain their role in the digital divide. The authors have a commitment to presenting their information in ways that is understandable to those without a backgrounds in statistics. The authors conclude by outlining their plan for the rest of the book and providing rough sketches of each chapters, including the policy suggestions they put forward towards the end.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Beyond Access: Psychosocial Barriers to Computer Literacy
Stanley found that nonusers often cite cost as an issue rather than addressing the underlying psychosocial barriers to computer literacy. Misconceptions about computers often led to nonusers rejecting them as personally relevant rather than making informed decisions about computers in their lives.
Self-efficacy prevented many from using computers, either due to fear of appearing foolish or fear of doing irreparable damage to the machines themselves. The anxiety and embarrassment that potential users felt over their computer illiteracy transcended divides of gender, education, and age (411).
Cultural identity and self-concept influenced individuals' perceptions about their relationship to computers and corresponding computer literacy rates. Stanley's research suggests that the acquisition of computer skills is directly correlated to an individual's ability to visualize herself as the type of person who uses a computer (412).
In the end, Stanley advocates for outreach efforts that underscore the plethora of economic and social advantages that computer literacy can provide. In order to be effective in breaking down the psychosocial barriers of relevance, fear, and self-concept, outreach efforts must be executed in culturally appropriate ways. By shifting the focus from access to outreach, Stanley believes that communities will be more effective in bridging the digital divide.
A Framework for Understanding the Digital Divide
In chapter two of The Deepening Divide, van Dijk presents his argument that a better framework is needed to study and understand the digital divide. He feels that the current research methods lack conceptual clarity and in-depth analysis. Basic concepts like access are poorly defined and many of the studies done focus too much on demographics and individuals while leaving the reasons of why and how to conjecture.
van Dijk argues that a more relational view is needed to study the digital divide. With a relational approach, the focus can move away from individual differences and toward positions and categories of groups. This would allow the relationships and interactions between these groups to be studied in greater detail. A more relational view would also help differentiate between different types of inequality and tie together the differences between groups/positions into a continuous spectrum.
To create a more relational framework, van Dijk first forms a more defined theory of the digital divide. The five core parts of van Dijk's theory are 1) Categorical inequalities produce unequal distribution. 2) Unequal distribution causes unequal access. 3) Unequal access also depends on types of technologies. 4) Unequal access brings unequal participation in society. 5) Unequal participation reinforces categorical inequalities. Using this theory, van Dijk constructs his framework which is based on a causal and sequential model of access.
The diagram on page 24 illustrates the core parts and how they interact. The five key categories of the framework are Personal Categories, Positional Categories, Resources, Participation in Society, and Access. Each category is then further broken down into specific concepts or relationships.
Personal categories deal with inequalities that are more inherent like age, sex, and intelligence. Positional categories are based on position in society like employment status or education level. The Resources category deals with resources a individual or group has to draw upon. Resources like temporal (time), mental (skills), and social (relationships). The access category is broken down into five concepts related to technology access. These include motivation access, material access, skills (digital and operational), and innovation. All together, these four categories interact to affect the fifth and final component of the framework, Participation in Society.
In the future, van Dijk plans to study and test each section of his model. When each category and concept is defined and the gaps in it filled, he plans to use his framework to build a better understanding of the digital divide. He hopes this will help address some of the shortcomings of current research and form a more empirical and methodological study of the digital divide.
Zuckerberg's vision of Facebook in the future
The eldery getting connected
Monday, February 16, 2009
Just some humor...
Sorry it's something of a messy scan, but if you click on the picture itself it'll show you a more legible version. I took it with my cell phone camera, emailed it to myself, and cropped it on my laptop. Which leads to another interesting issue of the breakdown of the barriers between the physical and the digital world.
That thought leads me back to the comment from class, that the digital divide is both reflective of static sociocultural divisions, but also an evolving creature, as the technologies themselves evolve. In other words, while there are unquestionably still barriers and segregation in the digital world, these barriers are themselves changing and evolving along with these technologies.
click the pic to get the (frighteningly elaborate) joke!
interestingly enough, in making his books freely available through a creative commons license, doctorow fans have ended up translating the book into numerous languages, including braile, and there's even a collection of people reading the essays aloud for the deaf or hearing impaired, this making his (e)books more and more divide crossing, if that's a phrase we can all agree on.
cell phones in class?!
Some of it sounds pretty interesting, but it also seems like a ton of extra work for teachers--and maybe these students would be better served by having those funds and that time go to something else, like healthier foods in the lunchroom or scholarships for their teachers to get more training. I've never taught, but I know some of you have and I would love to hear what your experience with cell phones were and what you think of this idea.
Article on "The future of reading" from the NYT
Read the rest of the article here.A group of fifth graders huddled around laptop computers in the school library overseen by Ms. Rosalia and scanned, a Web site that, unbeknownst to the children, was intentionally peppered with false facts.
Ms. Rosalia, the school librarian at Public School 225, a combined elementary and middle school in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, urged caution. “Don’t answer your questions with the first piece of information that you find,” she warned.
Most of the students ignored her, as she knew they would. But Nozimakon Omonullaeva, 11, noticed something odd on a page about Christopher Columbus.
“It says the Indians enjoyed the cellphones and computers brought by Columbus!” Nozimakon exclaimed, pointing at the screen. “That’s wrong.”
It was an essential discovery in a lesson about the reliability — or lack thereof — of information on the Internet, one of many Ms. Rosalia teaches in her role as a new kind of school librarian.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Literature Online
Saturday, February 14, 2009
you've got the whole earth (catalog) in your hands
in defense of the kindle robot voice
one aspect that our discussion of the kindle articles hasn't touched on yet is that the authors guild is looking to control the way we interact with content that we have purchased.
while i agree that the idea of
say you pay $9.99 for steve harvey's "act like a lady, think like a man" (no. 5 on the kindle best seller list). since you paid your money for that kindle file, why is it so wrong for a computer to read it out loud since that's something that modern technology has made possible?
the function that the kindle performs, making ebooks (more than likely legitimately purchased ebooks form the kindle store) audible, is much closer to fair use than it is to being a derivative use, and the fair use of owned content is something that is very much worth defending.
ultimately, i think the writers guild is looking for a cut of the kindle action since the kindle does something that is similar to (but not the same as) audio books. giving into them with this this cut sets up an interesting, and i believe negative, precedent which might discourage people (through threats of litigation) from inventing technologies which would translate written works into audible sounds. ultimately, we're talking about technologies that would benefit the blind and visually impaired more than anything else, and as such, fighting against this sort of ridiculous litigation is something we should be working towards.
MyWebSpace down this weekend
Friday, February 13, 2009
Beware, TED talks will suck you in and steal hours of your time.
More thoughts on the $99 iphone
I haven't really thought this through but I am at work so I am going to quick post it. Anyway, I think offering different priced versions of the same technology really widens the digital divide. On the surface it seems like it brings more technology to more people like moblie internet access, but in this case, if someone got the $99 iPhone they will be stuck using the Edge network (lets call it dial up) while the people with the $199 iPhone would have the 3G network (broadband).
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Have you seen The Hub?
Also interesting that in order to use this phone, you must live in an "Enhanced 911" area. I'm wondering if this is another example of rural folks getting left on the "wrong" side of the digital divide tracks.
CNET may have listened to our discussion earlier today
kan kindle overkum?
Kindle 2 vs Audio Books
I think I would prefer audio books over the ROBOT VOICE OF THE KINDLE TWO.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Information technologies and social equity...
In his research, Doctor found two opposing themes represented in the literature, (1) information technologies, as part of larger oligopolistic system, create uneven power distributions that result in social inequities or (2) information technologies, as part of a free market, enhance social equity by decentralizing power and control through the distribution of information. For Doctor, the shift to a knowledge economy directly links information and profitability and, therefore “increase[s] contention for control of information and knowledge resources” (218).
Looking at a range of studies, including the CPS study we reviewed last week, Doctor showed that the distribution of microcomputers is correlated with various socioeconomic factors, such as income, education, race, and location. Although microcomputer ownership is a variable contributing to the digital divide, Doctor suggests that information literacy is an equally important variable when addressing the information gap.
To affect any significant reduction in the information gap, Doctor believes a democratic society’s power lies in its ability to shape public policy. He proposes a top-down approach modeled after other federal projects in his design of the National and Regional Institutes for Information Democracy. These institutes would act as intermediary networks between federal and regional government, Experimental Mass Information Utilities, and local libraries and schools. The institutes would be responsible for core hardware and software needs, as well as funding, project planning, research and consultation with the local level. For Doctor, this solution would be able to reach the most disadvantaged population through a dual system of collaboration and oversight.
Ever-Shifting Internet Population (2003)
58% of Americans were reported to have used the Internet; this was up from 2000 when the numbers were at 49%. However, the data suggest that since 2001 new users had become stagnant. By 2002 Internet use was predicted on being White, upper-middle class, having a college degree, student status and residence in urban or suburban communities.
African Americans (A.A.) were least likely to go online lagging being both Whites and English dominant Hispanics. When adjusted for income and education A.A.’s still lagged behind the aforementioned populations.
Southerners and Mid-Westerners, at 45 % and 44% respectively, were the largest geographical areas were citizens were off-line.
Boundary Object - Negotiated meaning:
Non users and users had divergent conceptualizations of the Internet. The overwhelming majority of non-users believed the Net is a dangerous space/ place; half thought the Internet was just for entertainment, and most did not feel they were missing out by staying offline. Interestingly 20% of non-users had no concept of what the Internet was at all.
Various types of Non Users
Net Evaders: (20%) This demographic while not using the Internet they often had access via friends and family members who searched and retrieved information on their behalf.
Net Dropouts: (17%) Users who were once Internet users but have left- usually because of have poor equipment.
Intermittent Users: (27-44%) Internet users who stopped accessing for prolonged periods and are now back online.
The physically challenged:
18% of participants self-identified as physically challenged. Only 38% of this demographic were Internet users. Many lack access to adaptive technologies and are unable to access public Internet facilities. Internet access is especially important for this population as they are more likely to search for medical information and use the Net as an entrainment outlet.
Article #1, Introduction: Computer Lib
Rather than coming from a solely technological perspective, though, Nelson is writing from a tradition of social radicalism. He talks about the "computer priesthood," the tendency of computer professionals to hoard knowledge, as unique not in its existence (doctors and engineers do the same thing) but in the impact of it. Since everyone has to deal with computers, the hoarding of knowledge is a serious problem. He castigates professionalism in general in a sidebar, preferring an informed citizenry to a decision-making professional class.
The goal of his book, then, is to create that informed citizenry. Nelson objects to popular objections to "the computer," saying instead that people should object to bad computer systems, not computers in general. He wants everyone to understand computers enough to understand the way people want to apply them in policy and in daily life, so that they can react from an informed position instead of a position of technophobia.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
No More Running
Monday, February 09, 2009
Sunday, February 08, 2009
On Fear and Internet Adoption
*Ervin, K. S., & Gilmore, G. (1999). Traveling the superinformation highway : African americans' perceptions and use of cyberspace technology. Journal of Black Studies, 29(3), 398-407.
*Kretchmer, S. B., & Carveth, R. (2001). The color of the net ; african americans, race an cyberspace. Computers & Society, 31(3), 9-14.
*Marriott, M., & Brant, M. (1995). CyberSoul not found. Newsweek.,126,(Jul 31),62-63 .
Microsoft & OLPC news
Adding to the computer ads we watched last week, here 4.5 year old Kylie shows us how it's done...the PC way:
Two articles I found on the changes afoot for OLPC:
What got cut from the stimulus bill
Fully eliminated:
$2 billion for broadband
For full article:
Thursday, February 05, 2009
We looked at advertisements in class, but I think it's also fascinating to see how computers/technological innovation/information are presented in movies. I know Jen brought up War Games. It made me think about The Net with Sandra Bullock and many others. Can you name any others?
Also, Jen, I know you're a studied fan of sci fi/fantasy. Could one say that sci fi seems to comment on the present while fantasy seeks to escape it? Just a thought.
"internet? i'd say internet."
the mac commercials that we looked at today got me thinking about those old jeff goldblum imac commercials from way back in the day (a couple of years ago?).
youtube searches brought me to this strange meme that has apparently been going around for a little while:
drunk jeff goldblum.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Article #4 A Nation Online: Entering the Broadband Age
it's a shame that i had a conversation yesterday where i took the position that grad students didn't get senioritis, and here i am the last of my group to post-up and still putting it off for no good reason other than sheer laziness. my lethargy might have been a good thing though, since i was able to spot a thoroughly pertinent article in the interim which i might have missed had i posted earlier in the afternoon.
i was assigned the last article, "A Nation Online: Entering the Broadband Age", which was kind of a bummer at first ("i get the one that's 15 pages?! National Telecommunications and Information Administration, US Department of Commerce? boring!") but this quickly changed to elation once i realized that it was in big print with lots of graphs.
I keed! I keed!
so, the reading was basically a run down of the growth of broadband usage between Sept 01 and oct 03, as well as examine the ways that broadband users differ from dial up users. the article is broken down into four distinct sections: access & use, online behavior, the effects of geography, and reasons for non use.
in the three year window being examined, the number of households with internet grew by 12.6%, adding almost 7 million internet users to the world. the number of homes using cable connections almost doubled (from 6.6 mil to 12.6 mil), and the number of homes using dsl almost tripled (from 3.3 mil to 9.3 mil). interestingly, the number of dial up users, still the visible majority of internet users, experienced an almost 13% decrease. in short, this is a very visible sign that internet users are changing over to using broadband for their internet needs.
the online behavior section of the reading was a pretty straight forward look at the differences in the different ways that broadband and dial-up users interact with the internet. this section was broken down into its own little set of sections: communications (almost everyone uses email, regardless of their connection level), entertainment ("dial up users are more like those without the internet at home in terms of their use of the internet for entertainment"), transactions (there were obvious differences, specifically with online banking, but it's obvious that people still rocking dial-up are able to get their on once and a while), and information, which i thought of as reference (it was around this time that a lot of the simple search sites were hitting their stride and "to google" was becoming a valid verb, so everyone was more or less using the internet to get health advice, news, weather and sports info).
not surprisingly, people who live in rural areas are less likely to have broadband than people in urban areas, especially "central cities." the reading makes some pretty valid reasons why this might be, including the lack of cable access, the higher price tag that might go with a lower subscriber base, and the limited range of dsl services from their central switching offices. very simply, the availability of broadband internet in rural areas is a road filled with many more potholes than in urban areas.
shockingly, 41.3% of all americans still don't use the internet at all, from anywhere, according to the reading. the main reasons for people not using the internet, or not switching to broadband were that they weren't interested or thought they didn't need it, and that it was too expensive.
reading this article i thought often of grand parents sitting in their recliners. they're the ones not using the internet, making up almost half of america that doesn't us the internet, right? well, probably not, but that number is still upsetting, and one that seems very pertinent given this quote regarding the recent stimulus package that features a huge chunk of money headed towards giving a lot of broadband breaks: “The first rule of technology investment is you spend time understanding the end user, what they need and the conditions under which they will use the technology,” said Craig Settles, an industry analyst and consultant who has studied broadband applications in rural and urban areas. “If you don’t do this well, you end up throwing millions or, in this case, potentially billions down a rat hole. You will spend money for things that people don’t need or can’t use.”
we've some a long way since 2003, but are there still a significant enough number of people to make a massive part of the stimulus package a "$9 billion cyberbridge to nowhere?"
Article #3, A Survey of the "Have Nots" in Rural and Urban America
Information “have nots” were found to be disproportionately high in rural areas and central cities (the largest area or part of a metropolitan area). Generally speaking, the young and the old, minority groups, and those with the lowest income and the least amount of education, were the least connected, but surprisingly, the most likely to use these resources for “economic uplift and empowerment.”
The report concludes with some solutions to these discrepancies. The authors acknowledge that insufficient statistical data makes it difficult to know/understand why the “have nots” exist. For example, it is not clear, based on the statistics obtained by the CPS and NTIA, whether the low-income disadvantaged are also the minority, the less educated, or the young and old populations suffering from the same disadvantages. However, once these profiles are more thoroughly fleshed out, the government, at all levels, will develop support groups to remedy the problems. In the meantime, the report suggests that public schools and libraries act as “community access centers” for those communities unable to access information on their own.
Article #1 Community Information Centers
The authors begin by outlining and explaining the “information gap” became more pronounced do to the growing complexity of societies, particularly in urban areas, and the changing nature of traditional social patterns. This led to a call to action by several educated idealists, who were trying to make sure that justice was for everyone. Many of these ventures, as well as dire predictions, did not come to pass, but the necessity of providing more information in communities was clear.
As the number of information centers began to rise, so did a need for classifying information services. The main examples provided are classifications by client group or support group, which may overlap. Furthermore, there may be difficulties in how an information service is run, or run by, such as those that are part of the “establishment” and those that are run by volunteers. Numerous information centers were opened in public libraries in the early 1970s.
The remainder of the article outlines concerns in developing an information agency that is trying to extend services to a wide population. Impediments are listed, as well as possible solutions. When developing an information agency, the organizers must also address their own motivations, needs, structural viability, how “radical” the agency should be, and the environment, or location of the service. Public libraries are a good location for an information center, as they are usually supported by tax dollars, but run by semi-independent trustees. The authors close with a short discussion on the ethics of information services and the necessity of community involvement. They seem to believe that all information should be provided, leaving the client to make his or her own judgment.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Article #2 - "Computer Use in the US - 1984"
Estimates of access by children varied. White children, non-Hispanic children, and boys were substantially more likely to have a home computer than their black, Hispanic and female counterparts. The probability of access increased with the educational level of the household, increased income, and professionally employed adults. Household ownership of a computer was strongly associated with the presence of children in the home.
Use patterns demonstrated no real differences between racial groups - but boys continued to outpace girls, and children in low-income groups had lower rates of use. School use increased with the educational level and income of parents, suggesting that it depends on the quality and equipping of schools, which is tied to parental resources.
The survey examined access and use by adults - 18.3% of the adult population used a computer somewhere. Usage was highest among people 25-44, whites, non-Hispanics, men, and single individuals. Again, having a home computer strongly correlated with high education and income levels. However, only 53.3% of adults with home computer access reported using the computer, with men drastically outpacing women.
Work use was more likely with high levels of education, in managerial and professional jobs, and for technical and administrative positions. Differences in workplace use reflect differences in workforce distribution - women were more likely to use computers because of their overrepresentation in administrative, sales, and support positions. Higher rates of usage, here, do not align with higher wages or prestige. Of those adults in school, nearly a third used computers.
"Why Ledbetter Isn't Enough"
In the News: Federal Spending and a New $10 Laptop Initiative
Internet Money in Fiscal Plan: Wise or Waste?
WASHINGTON — At first glance, perhaps no line item in the nearly $900 billion stimulus program under consideration on Capitol Hill would seem to offer a more perfect way to jump-start the economy than the billions pegged to expand broadband Internet service to rural and underserved areas.
Proponents say it will create jobs, build crucial infrastructure and begin to fulfill one of President Obama’s major campaign promises: to expand the information superhighway to every corner of the land, giving local businesses an electronic edge and offering residents a dazzling array of services like online health care and virtual college courses.
But experts warn that the rural broadband effort could just as easily become a $9 billion cyberbridge to nowhere, representing the worst kind of mistakes that lawmakers could make in rushing to approve one of the largest spending bills in history without considering unintended results...[more here, from the NYT]
January 30, 2009
India Announces Prototype of $10 Laptop for Education
India’s ministry in charge of higher education says it will make low-power laptops available, at a cost of just $10 apiece, to the Indian market within six months — as part of a major initiative to increase the number of students going to college, The Indian Express reports.
R. P. Agrawal, India’s secretary of higher education, told the newspaper that online courses are the only way to bring quality education to remote areas of the country. He added that the ministry is working out ways to beam lectures from the Indian Institute of Technology across the country. “We will be providing free e-content to students,” Mr. Agrawal said. [More here, from the CHE]
Monday, February 02, 2009
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Into Brenton
Hello, I’m Brenton Stewart a second year doctoral student in LIS pursuing a minor in Geography. My focus is on various information users and their production of various types of information. Issues of digital divides and differences obviously intersect with this line of investigation. As I’m a budding cartographer I hope to incorporate lots of maps into my future works.
I’m from the southeastern United States, North Carolina, and earned a BA in History and African American Studies at the University of NC- Greensboro, and received my M.S. in Library Science at Clark Atlanta University, in the city-state of ATL. I began my library career as a Resident Librarian at Kansas State University, in Manhattan, where I mainly cataloged Electronic Serials. Two years later I returned to the Atlanta city-state to work at Southern Polytechnic State University where I was the University Cataloger. There I encountered issues with respect to digital divides among students and, the dread of many academic librarians everywhere,- the community user! (also known as the external user to some)
Over the last year my leisure reading has merged with scholastic interests, ergo I can honestly tell you that I love reading about communities of practices, social exclusion and how all of the aforementioned work to create and maintain identity (ies).